Monday, January 17, 2011

Translator's Foreword

I have this treatise of the Muslim faith and found a short life of a very important issue. 

The need for this contract, especially for non-Arabic readers, can not be overestimated. Therefore I decided to translate it and make accessible the English reader. I draw readers to the following:

- I have the book BELIEF Muslim place of the author Aqidatu Ahl al-Sunna wa As Jama'a, which can be translated as the creed of the people of the Sunna and the majority. I think my preference is justified: a) The title I chose shorter b) The two songs have almost the same direction, c) The original title contains some technical terms that translate to not only difficult, but hard to understand by many readers d) The original title can satisfy some readers, who are not informed of the true names of the words in the title.

- I have given in parentheses after each verse of the Koran, the number of chapters and verses by the author without giving them appropriate cited reference. This I took to readers who do not know the Quran by heart and who would check these verses useful.

- Because the author in most cases, quotes or paraphrases some of the prophetic traditions, without indicating to the reader, I have tried, whenever I was able to recognize these traditions, put it in quotes and cited in parentheses the prophetic collections, in which they reported. In most cases I'm limited to collections of Bukhari and Muslim, if the city she says. If not in these two collections, which I'm one or two other collections that contain the cities themselves.

- I provided the layout of text and title, in chapters for easy reading and understanding. I have also provided an index for easy reference.

- Cited in the translation of Quranic verses in this contract, I have not followed up with concrete translation of the Koran. I have received more than one, but followed my liking.

It is my sincere wish and hope that this book would be a great help for those who are to consult it. Please include in your prayers all those who contributed to its present form.

Hammad al-Maneh Johani

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